Wednesday, January 26, 2011

:: bread, and more bread.


despite all the urgings to abstain---
i am having a love affair with bread.

pita bread.
whole grain bread.
sprouted bread.

you name it.
i'm baking it.
buying it.
or eating it.

i find it to be such a pleasant medium
for all the other things i love.

things like:
peanut butter.
and artichoke dip.

my current obsession is a rosemary olive oil loaf i discovered.
the crunchiness of which i cannot begin to describe.

if i could bottle a scent.
it would be the rustic, rich aroma of this bread.

find some for yourselves immediately.
if not sooner!

God bless carbs!


  1. LOVE LOVE LOVE me some bread!!!!!!

  2. Oh my goodess. I remember I would get so excited when my mom made homeade spaghetti and meatballs - just because I knew she would buy fresh Italian bread to go with it! Bread and butter is hands down my favorite food. ??? Should I be admitting that?

  3. God bless carbs-my life motto-i fell at times.
    i could def live off of -bread alone-
    BUT, then I'd have to be a contestant on the biggest loser.
    However, I do make some mean walnut bread.

  4. mmmm i love the way bread smells. intoxicating haha

  5. you're going to make me falter on my new year's resolution to eat significantly less bread!! sooo hard. i absolutely love rosemary olive oil bread!

  6. %100 agree! Carbs are my favorite thing in the world. I worked/work occasionally at a really amazing ma and pa bakery in Pittsburgh, and when the bread and rolls come out of the oven, I eat like 7 everyday. It's terrible. But I regret none of my carb binging :) Pretty pictures

  7. ohh, how i love bread! i try, i really try, but it's in my blood. my italian-ness just won't allow me to stray from my bready friends.

    and i must find myself a loaf of that rosemary olive oil bread! oh heavens, that sounds amazing.

    oh oh aaand i had some ridiculous corn bread last night. i'll be thinking of it for days.

  8. I've never craved bread more than I do now. Yum. All that bread looks amazing. I'm new to your blog, just happened to stumble across it today. So happy I did! I'm already getting inspired and a getting hooked by your posts! It was a pleasure to *meet* you!

    <3 Ashley
    ashley dot hasty at gmail dot com

  9. After those pictures I now want carbs like no other!!! Haha.

  10. I have an unhealthy love for bread. And peanut butter, and hummus, and honey, and jam.... these pictures are gorgeous!

