Tuesday, May 19, 2009

:: today & tomorrow

this morning was the stuff perfect days are made of:

in the glowing light of a 75 degree day in the Mitten-- I washed, dried and slipped into a favorite summer dress.

the light airy cotton danced around my knees in the warm breeze. the sky was bright blue. totally cloudless. wide open for the sun to gently brown my skin.

took a quick trip to the market to stock up on baking supplies for this weeks culinary adventure.
much to my pleasure, the organic strawberries were on SALE::: which was perfection, seeing as my above mentioned edible delights are strawberry shortcakes cookies.

on vacation this past weekend, I enjoyed reading the June issue of Martha Stewart Living. Upon reaching the last page, I was met with a mouth-watering photograph of round, chewy cookies- laden with bits of freshly chopped strawberries. without a moments hesitation, I knew I would be whipping up a batch of those bad-boys before the weeks end.

I intended to get the job done this afternoon- then my OCD kicked into high gear- and the greater part of the day was spent cleaning and re-organizing...
but I thought::: "I can live with that. clean home today. cookies tomorrow."

now in hindsight, I wonder::: "did it really have to be tomorrow? could i have found the time for something so simple?"

i feel guilty sometimes for how often I take tomorrow for granted. I treat it like a chair::: falling full force into it, never once questioning whether or not it's going to be there to hold my weight.

i have been trying to challenge myself to recognize the true fragility and magnificence of 'tomorrow'. to treasure the beauty of another chance at happiness. love. another chance to do it all better. a chance to learn from my mistakes.

i was listening to the song "closer to love" by Mat Kearney this afternoon, and he sang:::

"i guess we're all one phone call from our knees"

and I literally paused. stopped packing boxes for Goodwill and just thought about that line.
I thought mostly about the truth behind the words.

at any moment, our lives could change. today is a one-way road. and we have no idea where it leads.

so cherish each moment---no matter how cliche it sounds.

and take the time to make the cookies. today.

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