Friday, August 20, 2010

chickens run free on my street.
so i precariously leave my gate open--
hoping they'll enter in and stay awhile.
when that dismally fails--
i chase them down the sidewalk with a camera.

i love this city.


  1. My college is really into sustainable living and a group of students is buying up some chickens so we can have our own eggs. Can't wait to see them!

  2. I BEGGED my mother to let me raise chickens when I was a kid. Now she loves fresh farm eggs, so I bet she regrets her hesitance :)

    But seriously. Chickens are the best.
    I'm not so fond of roosters, though... I feel they're all a little cross.

  3. after reading your post I had to remind myself where you live... :)

  4. ok, so-
    i had to stop and comment because i noticed you're a trevor hall fan and i'm pretty obsessed - just saw him play a few weeks ago, (which i haven't blogged about yet... i should get on that) so i thought, this girl must be cool people... love your blog!

  5. oh looking forward seeing more pics!! :)

  6. I love this! I wish we had chickens running down our streets...unfortunately I don't live in a place where that's all too safe, but it sure would be cute!

    I was talking to the bf a while ago about how much fun it would be to live out a little bit away from the hustle and bustle, even out in the forest a little bit. I would lvoe to just be at peace with nature and not have to worry about traffic or loud cars or anything but living and breathing the fresh air. He's pretty opposed to it, but I'm hoping to turn him when we get a bit older :)

