Thursday, March 11, 2010

change. it is a' comin' :::

i spent some time outside today. in the fresh air. with the noises of the earth-- and of the city-- lulling me slowly into spring. the sun shown incandescently through the tree branches. the lilac bush was abundant with desire and promise in the form of tiny flesh colored buds. the sky was a flawless blue. and i was happy to be there. i was grateful that we all survived the winter. that the world turned on its axis long enough to bring us all back to the warmth of the sun. the cool of the grass. the smell of the wind. that the earth still turned. i stood in my backyard-- and for one moment was a participant in the change. i am ever so thankful that it is finally coming.

in other news-- i completed my compost tumbler today. i was able to assemble it in a short amount of time, and load it up with the used starbucks coffee grounds i pilfered from a rest stop in Ohio, as well as the contents of my kitchen composter that was full-to-bursting with food scraps, filters, and tea bags. it's only a garbage can, i know, but i can't help but be ecstatic about it!

my urban gardening project has officially begun!


  1. how cool is it that you are composting! I love that. I have learned a bit about it the last few months and wish we could do it. can't wait to read more about your urban gardening!

    thanks for stopping by my blog. I hope you come by again soon!

  2. LOV-ING the tree photos! I am so ready for spring myself.

    And since you've created a compost, you probably already know about this site, but if not check out It is sponsored by Triscuit, but it seems to be a great site for "home farming." I am sort of interested myself. (-:

  3. Yay urban gardening! I love your words - a lilac bush abundant with desire. Yes!

